Saturday, December 11, 2010


Ma pole (ehk) Su unistus
mu ärkveloleku uni

Üks laulusalm väidab
kellel surmas ei vea
sellel õnne on unistuses

Seni viibib igavene uni
mis see surmgi muud on
Ehk mul kunagi selles ei vea

Uni unistus unustus
ära äratus ärastus
Ära unistus
Äratus unustus

Ära unistust unusta, mu ärkveloleku uni...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Bye Facebook

Aye Facebool
Bye Facebook
cyn't Faceboom
face faces facets
Go live your life :)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Mama Africa

Mama Africa

Your bleeding heart

cries for ravished and slain

forsaken and lost daughters and sons

Mama Africa

Your bruised body

lies at the ground of universe

aches for peace of mind

Mama Africa

your cacophonyfilled ears

tired of hounds of wars howlin'

and firin' the muskets of division

Mama Africa

Your worldweary eyes

between clash of titans

raise up and see beacon of hope

Mama Africa

Right in your heart

Dum spiro spero

For He cometh with Clouds


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Kulinaarne sõnademäng

Hamasi hammas hammustas
hummuse hummavat huumust
sa sadama Saddam sajad sajas
saajas sajaga saia.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Life like a dream

My life has been
a lot like a dream
well what do i mean
if all isnt cream

My life has been
like one childhood dream
by river im seen
walking in dream

My life has been
like that bright dream
next to river so dark
flowing riverstream

My life has been
like that sunny dream
im falling into river
while walking in sunbeam

My life has been
like that eerie dream
i dont want to fall
into waters so deep

My life has been
like that sudden dream
im falling for river
then i wake up from dream

There is sun out there
and morning has come
and that was just dream life like that dream?

Know that...

To my Friends, Family and ones i love and have loved!

Im thinking
of day
of life
of future

Im feeling
of night
of death
of present

Im here
Im thinking
im feeling
iam iam

One day Im gone
chance is real
life is a risk
but im gonna take it

Risk to be me
Risk to think
Risk to feel
Risk to be real

Know that
whatever be my fate
or if id die
in home or in foreign state

for my views
by the hand
of anybody
any men

somebody i know
some fanatics,

be them Estonians,
or Jews

Know that
if one day
i no longer
walk on this earth

and maybe even
if i wont be
much missed
i think you are dear!

you all know, who you are ;)

In My Dream

In my dream
while ago
i met you
where Harju
meets Kaarli.
Freedom Square.

In my dream
August or September
i saw you
for first time
though ive
seen those pair
of eyes on gallery photo

In my dream
we hugged to greet
I asked for name
of you,
beautiful stranger.
Unusal Russian.

In my Dream
you responded
Like weve known
each other.
In Estonian

Monday, January 11, 2010

Darks Blues

kirjutasin sele ükskord tööl, eemisel aastal :)
wrote this once at work, last year :)

My mood is as dark as coffee,
drinking sweetened slight bitterness
in dark blue mug im holding
in my hand this day...

Blue as blues in my mind
with sense of restlesness in my heart,
discontentment in my soul

Between longing and incompleted brokeness
lay questions to be known
and dilemmas to be settled.

day and night swaps
and everyday joys& chores
Good mates and conflicts
belonging and loneliness

I need Change!